COVID-19 special message

March 20, 2020

To our valued clients,

We wanted to take a moment to provide an update on the preventative and precautionary actions taken to date as we focus on health, safety and business continuity, as well as being your trusted landscape provider. We established a multi-functional COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Response Team and are following the current guidance from government and local health authorities. During the Coronavirus outbreak, our focus is on the safety and well-being of our employees, as well as the communities where we operate. We wanted to share with you the steps we are taking.

Aligning with public health authorities
We have a team dedicated to our response to this pandemic and have business continuity plans to ensure the continuation of our comprehensive landscape services at your property.

Protecting our employees and clients
We have implemented a number of actions through our Response Team, including:
Instituting guidelines to limit virus spread and keep our employees healthy.

  • Providing ongoing and transparent communications for our employees regarding our business continuity plans and new preventive measures.
  • Hand washing stations have been installed on our company vehicles.
  • Medical grade disinfectant will be used several times a day to wipe down all handles and surfaces on equipment.
  • All staff have been provided with individual Personal Protective Equipment (eye protection and headsets).
  • We will temporarily halt services to areas that require through-suite access.

Assisting our employees
The health and safety of our employees remains a top priority. We have taken the following measures to protect and support our team:

  • We are in continuous communication with our employees reminding them about the importance of good hygiene, providing them with health education and support whenever needed.
  • All employees continue to work their regular hours (no lay-offs).
  • Employees who feel ill have been told to not report to work and we have specific quarantine and communication procedures in place should an employee be diagnosed with Coronavirus or is asked to self-isolate by a public health authority.
  • We have implemented operational enhancements to limit employee and client exposure to the virus.
  • We are providing safety guidance and supplies appropriate for our field employees and the nature of their work.

Delivering peace of mind to our clients
You can rest assured that we will continue to provide the exceptional landscape services we are known for. As people continue to practice social distancing, most will be spending the majority of their time indoors, but we would like to remind you of the health benefits of getting outdoors to soak in the sights and sounds of nature. Walking through a natural environment, even in the middle of a city, lowers blood pressure and stress levels, as well as symptoms of anxiety and depression. So we encourage you to enjoy the beautiful landscape just outside your door!

As always, thank you for being our client and for your continued trust as we manage through this difficult time together.


Jeff Foley
President & CEO

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