Irrigation System Management

Irrigation systems should not be viewed as “set and forget” systems. Proper and timely maintenance can reduce water consumption, save money by preventing plant loss, and help to maintain a healthy and beautiful landscape.
An irrigation system set up for maximum efficiency can help conserve the world’s most important resource: water.
Our IIABC certified professionals are fully equipped to provide full service from spring start-up to fall shutdown, including assessments and repairs.


  • System start-up
  • Assessment of complete system at start-up
  • Assessment of complete system during mid-season
  • Assessment reports include recommendations for upgrades and repairs
  • Program Control Summary of zones and operating schedule for easy reference
  • System winterization



In the spring, we open up water valves and activate electrical components and complete a system review ensuring that all components are functioning properly. Our inspection checklist ensures a thorough evaluation of the operation of your irrigation system in order to keep your landscape healthy.

  • All programming will be completed in accordance with current Metro Vancouver watering regulations
  • A comprehensive zone by zone assessment will be provided to council informing of possible recommended upgrades to enhance the systems efficiency and or coverage
  • All plugged nozzles are replaced and minor coverage adjustments are completed at no cost
  • Critical issues (broken or malfunctioning components) that are required for functionality of the zone/system are replaced or repaired (these are invoiced separately from the Irrigation System Management fee)
  • A program summary is also provided indicating zone locations, run time frequency and duration



In July a second assessment of the system is completed with a report listing zone by zone coverage and an updated program summary. Again any plugged nozzles and minor coverage adjustments are made at no extra cost. Any critical repairs required will be billed separately.



The winter elements can cause extensive damage to your irrigation system if it is not winterized properly. Winterizing your system is the safest way to protect your investment. This service includes properly closing water valves, using compressed air to purge all water from the system and setting the control box.


Service Calls

Have a geyser, a dry patch, or a zone that no longer activates? Our certified technicians are just a phone call away and offer a complete range of services to get your system working properly. Any type of service required can be handled quickly and professionally on all types of systems.

  • Available to all properties whether we are the irrigation contractor or not
  • Response time is 3 business days or less
  • Costs are billed separately upon completion of work

Service Calls Include:

  • Realignment of popups and shrub risers
  • Irrigation pipe breaks
  • Damaged and broken rotors, popups and risers
  • Zone extensions for improved coverage
  • Valve repair or replacement
  • Program controller replacement