Interlocking Paving Stone Maintenance

Interlocking Paving Stone Maintenance


Although paving stones are considered very low maintenance in comparison with other pavement alternatives, as with any other structures or features regular care can prevent future problems which often lead to failure and can incur huge costs to repair.

Excessive or heavy traffic, extreme or constant poor weather (and pressure washing), turning or forced movement, improper base preparation, as well as leaching and settling are the main causes of paving stone failure.

Sand is the final key component in stabilizing a paving stone system; it locks everything together and without it, paving stones will fail.

We recommend immediate attention be given to noticeably loose areas where any movement is occurring. Often simply re-sanding and compacting these areas will stabilize them sufficiently and halt further damage. If untreated, the movement of the paving stones will rapidly force sand from the joints and will quickly spread causing complete failure.

At a minimum, every five years, a thorough sanding and compacting of all interlocking paving stone surfaces should occur in order to help prevent costly repairs in the future as well as maintain the look and integrity of what exists. Pressure washing is highly recommended prior to re-sanding. Not only does this clean the paving stones but also removes corruption, moss and debris from the joints allowing sand to infiltrate the joints effectively.

Complete failure; must be lifted, the base material addressed and relayed

(Note damage to the paving stones along cut edge due to movement)


Small gaps; inexpensive and easily repairable with sand and compaction